Grace & Space
/Grace can be defined as the simple elegance or refinement of movement, courteous goodwill, doing honour or credit to someone or something by one’s presence.
Space can be defined as the dimension of height, depth and width which within all things exist and move. A continuous area of expanse which is free, available or unoccupied.
To be graceful in one’s movement or in one’s words can be something we may not put much thought into. To be mindful of our space and others is also an area that we can take for granted especially during busy, hectic lifestyles. We have all been made aware of space or “social distancing over the past couple of years but I’m not referring to that type of space. What I want to share with you today is the space that you give yourself, not the space we put between each other.
Often our days can feel like being in a ‘blender” where we wake up and jump into action and before we know it the day is over and… repeat. Most of us start off the day while lying in bed, checking our phones answering messages, checking our social media likes or posts without taking the time to give ourselves the personal space we so badly need. The type of space that allows each of us to be okay with being by ourselves, collecting our thoughts, reflecting on the things we are grateful for and making the effort to have the best day we can possibly have. You won’t find that space on any social media feed!
When we make a choice to give ourselves the space needed to reflect and be better, we are intentionally doing service, not only to ourselves, but to all those people around us. When we slow down and put into perspective the importance of life, we will naturally be courteous and bring goodwill to others, as we are doing this with ourselves. To be graceful can be as simple as being aware of your movements. In other words, your own actions and words, are these serving you and others to be better everyday?
Time is the one thing we are all given equally in this world with the only difference being how we choose to spend it. What happens to time each day? It expires, for all of us. When we truly think about the importance of this it should help to inspire and motivate each of us to make the best use of the time we are given.
How graceful are you in being courteous and bringing goodwill to others? How are you filling up your space and are you truly making the best use of your time? If not, it might be time to make some changes before the expiry date sets in.