Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Understanding, and recognizing, your emotions plays such a crucial part for all of us personally and within the workplace. Have you ever found yourself in a discussion with someone and thought “Why am I getting so upset”? “Why did I say that”? “I’m not handing this very well!” We can all make poor decisions in the heat of the moment, but for leaders reacting emotionally can have negative consequences that affect the entire organization. One way to become more effective is to understand our Emotional Intelligence and learn how to strengthen it.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence (EI - also called Emotional Quotient or EQ) is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.
Research supporting the importance of Emotional Intelligence dates back over 30 years and it is even more important today that we are developing “emotionally intelligent leaders” to retain and nurture teams that will lead business growth. EI, rather than technical skills or IQ, truly defines today’s successful leaders.
Emotional Intelligence skills are critical for building relationships and teams, resolving conflict, solving problems, leading effectively and building resilience.
The good news is that EI can be developed. Leaders can strengthen their Emotional Intelligence to become more effective personally, professionally and socially.
At Simply Advanced we recognize the importance of Emotional Intelligence and the key role this plays in all organizations. We are Certified Practitioners of the Emotional Quotient Inventory - EQi 2.0 the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence, applying decades of research to support effective human performance and development.
Strengthening your Emotional Intelligence
Start with an EQi 2.0 Assessment
The assessment tool (supported by the Multi Health System) allows clients to examine their life and workplace performance in 15 key areas of emotional skill that have been proven to contribute to proficiency in complex business activities such as conflict resolution and planning.
When the EQi 2.0 is completed clients are provided with a comprehensive report that provides results using 5 EQ composite areas: Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal, Decision Making and Stress Management. It is an excellent way to get a picture of how you operate emotionally, your areas of strength and potential areas for development.
The best news – these are learned skills that we can develop and improve!
Trained to interpret the report, Simply Advanced works with clients to immediately begin developing those areas that might need improvement. At the same time, areas where clients excel can be leveraged to their full potential to maximize their leadership effectiveness. We customize coaching and training to meet your needs.
Contact us to learn how Simply Advanced can support your Emotional Intelligence development
What other leaders are saying about working with Mike...
"Mike understands and naturally projects that people make the difference – anyone can buy machines, but a plant will improve and flourish because of how leaders treat their people.”
Bob Tyssen, Cosma International
"Mike has the ability to recognize, create, and implement operational standards that support a culture of continuous improvement that is embraced by whichever team is around him.
Andrew de Haan, Faraday Future