Everything starts and ends with the leader...
Simply Advanced specializes in leadership workshops and training, as well as tailored made programs to suit the needs of today’s businesses. We take the time to assess the foundation of your current leaders and understand how they align with your business needs. We evaluate any gaps and show you what needs to be done to close those gaps to make lasting improvements.
With leadership development, there is no finish line. Good leaders are always growing and improving. Simply Advanced can provide your leaders with tools and methods to help them continue to grow well beyond your initial investment. With the right coaching, your leaders will always pay back a much higher return than your upfront investment.
Workshops and Training Programs
Below are some of the workshops offered by Simply Advanced. Using various training methods each workshop is designed to be interactive and engaging ensuring all participants feel a sense of ownership over their leadership development. Sessions are tailored to the specific needs of your team and individual workshops can be combined into Training Programs delivered over a series of days depending on your requirements.
Personality Dimensions
Personality Dimensions focuses on understanding yourself and others so you can be more effective in your relationships, in your work and your personal life.
Everyone is different and understanding our own values, strengths, joys and stressors and those of everyone we interact with provides a great foundation for communication. Knowing some of the ways people are different assures us that we are okay in our own uniqueness and that we aren’t alone in some of our idiosyncrasies.
This certified workshop is designed to help leverage the strengths, values and contributions that each team member brings to the organization while also recognizing areas of opportunity for growth and development. The session focuses on identifying your own personality temperament (colour), as well as being able to understand others. This helps to build strong team dynamics through adapting and flexing leadership styles to work effectively with individual team member personalities.
Accountable Leadership
Accountable leaders lay a path for their team to follow. They are held responsible for their own actions and decisions as well as those of the people they lead. That means we all, as accountable leaders, own what we need to do and what we need to get other people to do. If being accountable is what’s getting in the way of your success, recognize that you can reverse this.
Participants in this workshop gain an understanding of the accountability process within a leadership position. They learn how to apply accountability to themselves and their team. The main focus is on the Emotional Intelligence of the Leader and how to create an environment of accountability rather than an environment of blame. Leaders become fully responsible for their own actions and understand how to help others on their team to develop their own accountability.
Rapport, Ethics and Communication, three very critical elements for building cohesive teams. This workshop is designed to show your leaders how their ethics and communication styles can affect their leadership impact. They will learn how building genuine rapport with team members strengthens relationships. Participants leave the workshop with in depth knowledge of how these elements work together to build trusting relationships with team members and peers. You cannot move forward without having lasting, trusting relationships within an organization.
Coaching and Delivering Feedback
To effectively deliver feedback, you've got to get to know your people: their strengths and weaknesses, their motivations and drivers, their communication style. Realizing what works for one person won't work for all.
Participants learn the art of coaching and delivering feedback, helping to strengthen the communication between the leader and the team member. They learn how to attain optimal performance and increase self-esteem by providing a confidential environment that promotes growth and development. Leaders will develop coaching skills that will allow them to foster relationships with team members. They will build a framework for setting expectations and ensuring they are achieved. Leaders create the kind of environment that encourages team members to take responsibility for their own jobs.
Facilitation for Results
Meetings take up so much of our time because they're the way we make decisions and move our work along, but how many of us hate meetings? We all have memories of meetings that seem to last forever, someone kept interrupting and moving everyone off the agenda, the meeting ran overtime, and by the time it was over, nothing was accomplished. While there's no magic wand to make every meeting more effective, they don't have to be painful…they can even be fun! You can learn how to make your meetings both useful and enjoyable for everyone there.
This workshop explores the concept of facilitation and how it can help in creating positive and successful meetings by focusing on how people participate in the process of learning, not just on what gets achieved. A facilitator needs to be aware of both the content of the meeting (what people are talking about) and the process (how the conversations are happening). In this session participants learn how to plan, organize and hold effective meetings, making clear and good use of time.
Managing and Resolving Conflict
Dealing with conflict is not easy for any of us. Leaders can manage workplace conflict by creating a culture designed to avert negative conflict as much as possible and by dealing promptly and fairly with conflict that team members cannot resolve themselves. The basis for such a culture is strong employee relations, namely, fairness, trust and mutual respect at all levels.
This workshop focuses on applying different strategies to help resolve and minimize conflict while maintaining a positive atmosphere. Leaders are able identify different types of conflict and understand how to apply the strategies learned, while maintaining strong team dynamics.
Leading Through Emotional Intelligence
Research shows that leaders with a strong awareness of their own emotions, as well as the emotions of those on their team are more effective at leading people and creating team growth and a positive culture. Psychologists refer to this ability as Emotional Intelligence (EI), and some experts even suggest that it can be more important than IQ in your overall success in life. Emotional Intelligence (also called Emotional Quotient or EQ) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. The ability to express and control emotions is essential, but so is the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others.
Participants gain an understanding of Emotional Intelligence and why it is important to leadership. It focuses on the areas of Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Relationships, Stress Management, Flexibility and Decision Making. Fostering strong relationships through the use of Emotional Intelligence cultivates positive team dynamics and morale.
What other leaders are saying about working with Mike...
"Mike can effectively help your team with leadership development, standard work, problem solving, and operational improvement. Mike will help your team improve their openness, trust, commitment, accountability, and results. I guarantee it because I also recommend Mike to every one of our General Managers within Cosma.”
Bob Tyssen, Cosma International