Bridge Building Leadership Model
/A strong bridge relies on many different factors, one of the most important strengths of any bridge is the foundation. The Bridge Building Leadership model is no different. The trust a Leader builds with each person in the organization is the foundation of a bridge where leaders and their teams travel back and forth overcoming any challenges they may face.
As a Leader, simplifying things and getting work done through your teams is critical. The “Bridge Building Leadership Model” focuses on 6 key areas to Simply Advance your Leadership qualities while fostering self directed teams built on a foundation of trust!
Building Relationships
The key to success for any Leader is developing a strong, positive relationship with his/her team.
Respect for yourself and others
Respect, give and take, treat others how you like to be treated. Be honest and true to yourself.
Inspire and motivate the people you lead, give them a purpose for what they do.
Drive and Determination
Set goals/targets, support and push respectfully for your team to achieve, hold each other accountable.
Gratitude and Attitude
Think like a victor and not a victim. Lead by example, be sincere and authentic always.
Emotional Intelligence
Self-Awareness, know your own state of emotions as well as others.
Want to assess the strength of your bridge?
Contact me to learn how we can help.