Making Decisions as a Leader…

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5 Key Items to Consider

Actively Decide to Be A Better Leader

Continually developing as a good leader doesn't just happen. It takes constant personal and professional development/coaching, regular feedback, self-reflection, and execution on the feedback received. Success as a leader is a conscious decision. It's our job to earn that role every single day.

Problems Are Never As Big As They Seem

Recognize nothing is ever as bad as it seems, especially if you maintain high levels of emotional intelligence and self awareness. It’s all about the perspective you decide to take.

Stop Avoiding Difficult Conversations

Whether it’s a direct report, a child, a parent or even your Leader, it doesn't do any good deciding to put off much needed conversations. When we do that, things tend to get worse. Don't put it off things won't fix themselves.

Absence Of Advice, Take Responsibility

Making tough decisions takes practice and courage. Avoiding conflict, putting off making difficult decisions and sugar-coating reality, those types of behaviors are of very little use as a Leader.  Take ownership even in the absence of advice a decision must still be made!

Last, but maybe the most important…

Be Positive

Decide to be positive no matter what.  As Leaders, wearing our emotions on our sleeves, becoming frantic or angry during stress and chaos only creates more problems.  Making a choice to lead your team with a positive and realistic attitude is likely one of the most important decisions you make every day.

Remember, Victor or Victim the choice belongs to you!

Simply Advanced can provide your leaders with tools and methods to help them continue to grow. Contact me to learn more or check out my sessions on Leadership Development.